Canceling charges are difficult with automated payments

If you are one of those who make use of automatic payments to pay their bills, then here’s a bit of news for you. It can be extremely tiresome to cancel such arrangements.

According to certain debt counselors, lawyers and Better Business Bureaus around the country, the number of complaints from consumers is increasing considerably. Most of them complain about their inability to stop the recurring bills charged to their bank accounts and credit cards. One of the biggest problems is the confusing rule that is set down to change the mode of payment. And to make matters worse, these rules differ depending on whether your payments are linked to a bank account or credit card! reports:

Banks say they aren't able to cancel recurring credit-card charges when a consumer has signed a long-term contract with a merchant, such as an extended gym membership. Meanwhile, credit-card companies Visa USA and MasterCard International say they've upgraded their systems to help banks and consumers more efficiently stop automatic payments.

Read more: Automated payments make canceling charges difficult

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