June 08, 2006

Bankruptcy staring you in the face? Try these tips

While some run up their credit cards on consumer products, others are hit with a medical emergency -- whatever the cause, the end result is the same -- a severe debt that could lead to bankruptcy. There are several options for reducing and eliminating debt, however you will not eliminate your debt overnight. Bestsyndication.com reports:

On a recent Oprah Winfrey series of shows called The Debt Diet, experts agreed the best approach is to make more and spend less. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying this is an easy thing to do. Part time jobs or a sideline business were the most common methods given for making extra money. Cutting expenses is just as hard.

Read more: How to Get out of Debt - Debt Consolidation and Ideas - Avoid Bankruptcy and Reduce Payments Using Credit Counseling Agencies

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